1967 born in Lübeck, Germany
1991 first cover-illustrations for “Rowohlt Rotfuchs“
1995 diploma as graphic designer (main subject illustration) at the
“Fachhochschule für Gestaltung” in Hamburg
1995-1999 designer at Carlsen Publishing, Hamburg
2000-2002 art director in various advertising agencies
since 1991 varied jobs as author and/or illustrator for:
Fischer Schatzinsel, Oetinger, dtv junior, Cornelsen Scriptor, Carlsen,
Delius Klasing, Convent, Xenos, Schwager & Steinlein,Nelson
2007 the stories “Anna Eaglefeather“ and “Wanda, the Dancing Pig“ were
broadcast on the radio and published on CD (
2009 founding of “BIEBERBOOKS”